ChatterQuote May 2011

The Charging or Wall Street Bull, New York City

Besides “green” gardens, Taurus is also the sign associated with money, so it is no coincidence that the term “greenback” – another name for the dollar, refers back to the 1st paper currency that was issued in the United States during the American Civil War – and to this day, our currency remains green in color, does it not?

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ChatterQuote March 2011


Our quote this month comes from a very famous Pisces – and that is Albert Einstein! His use of the words “artist” and “imagination” beautifully sum up the Pisces’ spirit.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

Albert Einstein

ChatterQuote February 2011

Langston Hughes, Writer 1902 – 1967

In keeping with our theme – this month’s quote comes from surprise, surprise, an Aquarius and writer Langston Hughes, born of African-American and Native American descent, and was best known for his work during the Harlem Renaissance, writing about Harlem when it was considered to be “in vogue.” And like most Aquarians, he was concerned with “freedom.” Give an Aquarius their freedom and they can produce magic. Attempt to cage them in, and you’re in trouble, they’ll be gone in a flash and might not come back!

“An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose.”

Langston Hughes

ChatterQuote Holiday 2010

ChatterQuote is a new section inspired by my mother. Every night before going to bed, we would take the big Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, open it to a random page and blindly place our finger on whatever spot felt right – and then we read our “quote of the day” – no matter where our finger had landed. And interestingly, the quotation always seemed pertinent to what was going on at that time. We got a lot of enjoyment out of this little bedtime ritual, so I thought it would be fun to have a quote every month. This month’s quote is also inspired by my father, and ties in nicely to this month’s Travel theme.

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