Michele Kawka
I worked with Michelle some months back on editing her work for a new website. As we worked on the edit her images created the categories, which was just as well because we were struggling with how to present her wide range of work! “Across Cultures” became the main portfolio and summed up her creative vision and love of diverse cultures, especially living in the melting pot of New York, as we do! This is one of my favorite images from the Venice Carnivale.
http://michellekawka.com/And now, some months later, she is having an exhibition of her work entitled (guess what?) “Across Cultures” at the Stairway Gallery @ the New England School of Photography – take a look
December 3rd, 2008 – January 29th, 2009
Across Cultures” Exhibit
@ Stairway Gallery
New England School of Photography
537 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Artists’ statement:
In “Across Cultures,” I explore the idea of human connectivity. The subjects in my photos show a connection to past traditions by either participating in centuries-old celebrations or working in the same profession for generations. I have created portraits of people who express joy through song, life or worship. Although those captured in my photos have had significantly different life experiences, they are connected in one thing — their shared humanity.
Omar Vega
Omar is a new client who needed some help tightening up his edit for the website. He currently shoots for The Miami Heat while at the same time working on developing his bold style of portraiture – love this image!