ChatterLog Holiday 2008
This card and end-of-year bulletin goes out to all of my family, friends, clients, work associates & contacts
2008 has certainly been demanding for many of us so it seemed a good thing to end it on a humorous note! And, at the same time, let’s look forward to inspiration, success and prosperity in the coming year ahead. We all know that these are economically tough times and freelancers especially need to be thinking of other income avenues. Yes, the industry is challenging for all of us, but hasn’t it always been, in some form or another? The peasants must have found life pretty challenging back in the Middle Ages, so “stress” is a given. And for now, the word of the moment is “diversification.” I recently attended Judy Hermann’s ASMP “Taking Control of your Career” presentation, where she not only talked about the need to diversify, but she also gave concrete examples as to how she and her business partner have approached this philosophy not just now, but over the many years they have been in business.
2008 was a “year of panels” for me, starting back in the Spring with “Let’s Talk Legal” followed by three “SuperSites” web panels in New York, Los Angeles & Charlotte, NC. We repeated the “Rep’s Panel” in September and a fourth version of “SuperSites” was also presented by yours truly to a packed house at Photo Expo in October. Of all the panels I have moderated this year, my last “Creatives Round Table“discussion was most interesting and although we had a decent crowd, it was a shame we did not fill the room. We had six fabulous and diverse industry professionals who talked straight about the realities of the industry and current economy, but did not make everything appear to be “doom & gloom.” Flexibility, a willingness to work as a team-member, along with a good attitude, will get you a lot further than if you sit around and complain about how bad everything is. Without my prompting, one of the panelists talked about the anticipated demand in the coming months for images of “hope and inspiration” based on the results of this past election and the message of our future president.
So what are the plans for Chatterbox in the coming months and my own interpretation of “diversification?” Well, as the bulletin and business continues to grow, we will be bringing you some exciting new features such as ChatterTips and ChatterViews – so watch out for those in the coming months! There will be more panels and hopefully some solo presentations as well. I wish you all very Happy Holidays and a wonderful 2009!