ChatterRecipe of the Month September 2009

ChatterRecipe of the Month September 2009

We are now in the month of September, and the Astrological sign of Virgo, representing health, harvest and vegetarians – so let’s start with this one:

Photo by Kurt Wilson

Homemade Hummus

Have you noticed how much they are charging these days for a little container of Hummus from the grocery store? Save yourself some money and make your own!
This is an easy-peasy recipe that can be thrown together quickly and served with drinks or a nice cold beer! And, as it is Vegetarian, everyone can enjoy it. You can vary the ingredients to suit your taste preferences.

1 can (14 – 16oz) of Chick Peas (garbanzos) – rinsed and drained
About a third to a half cup of fresh-squeezed Lemon Juice
2 small cloves Garlic – minced
About a quarter cup of Tahini (sesame paste)
A quarter cup of Water
About a teaspoon of Olive Oil
A half-teaspoon (or more to taste) of ground Cumin
SaltPepper & Cayenne

Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor or blender.
Season to taste and add a half-cup of chopped Parsley.
Serve with warm slices of Pita Bread (crackers or corn chips) and slices of assorted raw Vegetables. A bowl of good Olives goes wonderfully alongside this as well.