ChatterTip of the Month January 2012
Tips for Healthy Teeth & Gums
The sign of Capricorn rules over our bones and teeth, so for this month we are bringing you some tips for healthy teeth & gums. Ironically, the Planet Saturn, which rules Capricorn, is also connected with the 2 toothless stages of life – infancy and old age, and if you recall, Capricorn is the sign that prefers the company of either young children or seniors – guess they really do identify with the “toothless!” But for those of us who still have some teeth – here’s this month’s tips. And don’t forget you can also clean your jewelry by soaking in a glass of warm water with a couple of denture tablets!
Toothache is generally the result of tooth decay, or cavities. When the outer enamel of the tooth gets damaged, it allows infecting organisms to enter the tooth, resulting in inflammation and pain. If a tooth is over sensitive to hot, cold or sweet things, the nerves in the tooth may be inflamed due to advanced decay, and you may need to see the dentist if the pain persists for more than a couple of days. One wonderful natural remedy for a toothache is Oil of Cloves (can also substitute with Oil of Peppermint or Cinnamon), which can be applied to the area using a Q-tip. And if you don’t have any of those oils handy you can simply bite down and suck on a couple of regular Cloves from your kitchen spice cabinet. Keep them between the teeth in the painful area until you feel it beginning to ease. Cloves are a natural analgesic and antiseptic and have long been used to fight bacteria and tooth decay. They are the dried flower buds of a tropical evergreen tree belonging to the myrtle family. And believe it or not, I have a couple of Cloves in my mouth as I am writing this, because one of my teeth has been hurting – it really does help too!
Some other suggestions are to place a crushed clove of Garlic directly on the infected tooth or mouth abscess to help heal and draw out the infection, and another of our old faithful friends is Apple Cider Vinegar, which can be used as a rinse for the mouth to reduce infection and inflammation. Tinctures of either Myrrh or Echinaceaalso help to encourage healing. Add a few drops into a little warm water and use as a mouthwash. Your gums will heal much faster after any dental work if you regularly rinse with the Myrrh. Coffee has been used to treat excessive mental activity, such as that associated with toothache or labor pains! Onions are used worldwide for their healing properties, and the Red Onion or Allium is used to treat toothaches in children. An interesting one is to split a Fig in half, heat it and apply directly to the infected tooth or mouth ulcer. In fact, the Fig has all sorts of interesting healing properties. Warm Salt Water makes another great antiseptic mouthwash.
Gingivitis or Gum Disease
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, usually due to an accumulation of plaque and impacted food around and under the gum, and may result in bad breath, as well as bleeding after brushing your teeth. It is a very common problem, especially during pregnancy, and may also result from systemic disorders such as a Vitamin Cdeficiency or diabetes. So one obvious remedy is to up your intake of Vitamin C and to Floss your teeth at least once a day, after every meal would be even better. Calcium is an important mineral essential for healthy life, in particular for the bones and teeth (and especially in women as they get older), so if you’re not getting enough Calcium in your diet from foods such as Milk, Cheese & Dairy Produce, Leafy Greens, “hard” Tap Water, Salmon, Eggs, Beans & Nuts, then take a Calcium supplement as well. Other supplements thought beneficial for fighting gum disease are Co Q10 and Silica. And again, Myrrh is one of the best things to heal the teeth and gums, either used as a mouthwash and/or taken as a supplement.
Bad Breath
Many health food stores sell Myrrh Gum capsules, which can be taken daily to help reduce bad breath. Not only is Peppermint another natural analgesic and painkiller, it also helps to maintain pleasant-smelling breath – which is why we see most commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes containing either Peppermint or Spearmintflavors. Cloves also help to deodorize the mouth and breath. Many toothpastes, as well as our drinking water, contain the trace mineral Fluorine or Fluoride, which protects against dental caries (or cavities). Interesting to note the repetition of the letters “Ca” in the words Capricorn, calcium, caries and cavities…
Nowadays some toothpastes also contain Baking Soda, but you can easily use regular Baking Soda right from the box either with a little toothpaste, or on its own. Use a little water or Hydrogen Peroxide to make it into a paste, the Baking Soda is a natural whitener which reduces agents that cause bad breath, while the Hydrogen Peroxidealso helps to whiten them – well, let’s face it, all whitening products, contain some form of “bleach” – just don’t swallow it! I’m a huge Horseradish fan, but I never knew that brushing your teeth with a little added to your toothpaste not only helps to clean the teeth effectively, it is also a natural antiseptic and kills bacteria and controls mouth ulcers. Now I love it even more!