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Greetings everyone, and welcome to the July ChatterBulletin, and to the season of Summer, which began officially on June 21st, the day of the Summer Solstice. The word “Solstice” literally means, “the Sun stands still.” And so it is, on June 21st, the Sun, having reached its highest point in the sky, pauses before continuing on his journey towards the Autumnal Equinox, followed by the Winter Solstice, during which time we will lose one minute of light each day. But that’s a long way off, so let’s stick with the present and this month’s theme, which is Motherhood & Family.
Motherhood & Family
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the June ChatterBulletin! We have traveled from the inspirational “I Am” of April’s Aries, to the possessive “I Have” of May’s Taurus, and now we move into the incessant “I Think” of Gemini in June. And if you know anyone who is a Gemini, it is true – their brains literally have no “off-switch.” They go to sleep thinking and they wake up thinking, and the computer inside of their head is permanently “on.”
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the May ChatterBulletin! We have now moved from the sign of Aries into Taurus, so it is no big surprise that we have also just celebrated “Earth Day” on April 22nd. Earth Day began back in 1970 and was the brainchild of environmental activist, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin who, after witnessing the horrific 1969 oil spill off the California coast, decided it was time to bring more attention to the widespread environmental degradation. That year over 20 million people participated in the Earth Day celebration and now, 40 years later, Earth Day is observed by more than 500 million people around the world. Unfortunately however, the oil spills are still happening, as witnessed recently off the Louisiana Gulf Coast.
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the April ChatterBulletin! Since last month, we have moved from the 12th sign of Pisces, into Aries, who is technically the 1st sign of the Zodiac celebrating the “New Year” and the start of the season of Spring. This, according to “Mother Nature” is when all new life begins, so perhaps some of you have noticed a little more energy already?
Creativity and the Arts
© Louisa J. Curtis
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the March ChatterBulletin! We have moved from the sign of Aquarius into Pisces, and although later this month we’ll move into Aries and the first day of Spring – it is still feeling a lot like Winter and many of us have seen a whole lot of snow this year. In fact, New York is in the middle of one of it’s largest snowstorms as I am writing this, and I took the above photo the following day. Snow is of course, frozen water – remember those beautiful images of the snowflakes in our last bulletin – and Pisces is a water sign, so combine water with a cold winter, and what do you have? Snow, sleet and ice!
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the February ChatterBulletin!
As we move out of the sign of Capricorn, we now find ourselves in Aquarius. This sign is often mistakenly thought of as a water sign, because the symbol clearly resembles the waves of the ocean, and the word for water “aqua” is in his name! However, Aquarius is in fact, an air sign, he is the “water bearer,” a “spiritual aqueduct” and the “captain of the ship” who brings the spiritual waters from the heavens down to us mortals here on earth. So Happy Birthday to all of you Aquarians out there, in particular to my Aunt who will be 79, and to my Father who turns 85 this month!
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the first ChatterBulletin of 2010! Now although January 1st begins what we all know as our Calendar Year, New Year, according to Nature actually begins with the Season of Spring, in the month of March, and not in the middle of Winter, and the month of January. When you think about it, it does makes sense, but we are all used to wishing everyone a “Happy New Year” when in fact, all of nature is resting and hibernating! So for the meantime, I wish you all a wonderful 2010!
Greetings everyone and welcome to the November Chatterbulletin! During the month of November, we celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday, so I decided to make this month’s theme “being thankful.”
Being Thankful
1923 Hupa Indian, by Edward Curtis